Direct Payment – Working or Not Working?

Are direct payments working the way they should be? Informed by the experiences of people with direct payments during the Covid-19 pandemic, this report looks at how they could work better, what the issues are and how direct payments should support a good life. 

The advent of the coronavirus pandemic afforded an opportunity for people involved with direct payments to re-evaluate how they should work. Although direct payments are explicitly encouraged in the Care Act (2014) for people accessing care and support, experience has shown that they don’t always meet people’s aspirations for a more independent life.

At the core of the report is a table showing what’s working and not working, which will be of interest to commissioners, social workers and people with a direct payment.

This document re-articulates what’s needed to enable people to arrange the care and support which best meets their needs and aspirations in line with the original intentions of the policy, and ultimately to contribute to a wider reform of social care.