About Us
We are a Disabled person's user led organisation.
We're a small charity based in South Yorkshire, working primarily in Rotherham and Doncaster. We offer advice, training and advocacy to anyone encountering the many barriers facing Disabled people, and those who support them. We also help people to improve their health and wellbeing through craft and activity sessions; cycling and trips.
We're effective.
Got my PIP Renewal decision back – no phone call. I have been awarded until July 2027. Thank you for your help
I’m surprised how quickly my Attendance Allowance came through. Thank you so much for all your help, it has been amazing.
All excellent, Jackie is so welcoming and sessions are easy and relaxed. Very inclusive. Thank you active independence and Jackie xx
Thank you so much for bringing me today. I have been stuck in the house since November and this is the first time I have spoken to other people since then. It has been lovely, I can’t thank you enough, you all have been so welcoming and lovely. I know have something to look forward to again.
I really don’t know how to thank you enough because I received a letter today and I got full amount for AA. Thank you so much.
We are overjoyed. Our PIP decision has been overturned at tribunal and have been awarded enhanced rate daily living and mobility and nearly £10,000 backpay. Thank you so much to our advocate who has supporting throughout the whole process.
I do not have to worry about money anymore, I can now concentrate on getting better (cancer). All this good fortune was all down to my advocate and Active Independence. I can’t thank you enough, your help is much appreciated.
Thank you for being my guiding light throughout this PIP process – you are an absolute STAR
Fantastic – incredible amount of benefits brought into the town – and more not counted. Thanks for another amazing year’s service delivery from you and your team.
I have worked with Active Independence since starting my role as a Link Worker at Rotherham Central North PCN, I find the service and support that they offer exceptional and have had nothing but fantastic comments from those patients and their families that I have referred. Active Independence are a service I can totally rely on to give the best support possible to my patients, and not only that, I find there knowledge ands support for myself as a Link Worker outstanding. They have always gone over and above, and for this, I am eternally grateful to all of the staff.
Following over turning PIP at Tribunal and being awarded Enhanced Daily Living and Mobility for an indefinite period….Thank you for all your help, I could not have done this without you, so many times I nearly threw in the towel. I am so overjoyed I won’t have to skimp on my gas and electric anymore; I might even go on holiday to Skegness with the back payment. I have ordered a mobility scooter and she plans to get out more. I promised me I will try and have more fun now!
Thank you for all your support – my parents are going to now buy a recliner sofa with the £3000 backpay and also buy equipment that will help my dad as his memory is getting worse due to the dementia e.g. talking clock with date and reclining kettle
Jo was a wonderful, thank you for sorting my application for Pension Credit
Over the years I have worked as a PA you have been a constant source of knowledge and advice. You have helped me when no one else seemed interested. I am forever grateful for your tireless work. Thank you
You know what you are the only support that both me and my employer get. From training to everyday advice. You keep us up to date on everything and we who I work with actually feel valued by you. We don’t get that feeling from the council or the government. We would honestly be lost especially when COVID hit you were vital to us then especially and you continue to be vital to us. Thank you Barbara to yourself and whoever works with you
Being a PA can be an isolating job. Active Independence provide vital support for both employees and employers. Their group sessions are always informative, supportive and a friendly space to meet other PAs. I always leave feeling more positive than at the start of the day. Thank goodness you exist. You keep me sane
Pleased to have your clear enlightening help and guidance. With the P.A. Work we do so good to know there is someone on our side. Heartfelt thanks for all the help you have given me.
Fabulous morning with fabulous people, we loved it thank you so much x Tilly (Community Barge Trip)
My first time with the Active Independence group and I enjoyed it immensely, thank you so much Jacqueline and everybody else who attended for making me feel so welcome. Had such a wonderful afternoon with the group and I am so happy with the beautiful button picture I made and could take home.
We are so very pleased and thank Active Independence for all you have done for us. Thanks to your hard work, we now get Attendance Allowance High Rate for myself, Attendance Low Rate for my wife, pension credit and Council Tax Reduction. You have changed our lives after sitting in own coats all last winter.
“John was so calm and understanding with my daughter who has ADHD, he explained everything and won her trust, which was incredible. We won our tribunal and its thanks to John”
If it wasn’t for my advocate I wouldn’t be here today. [They supported me throughout from completing PIP form, MR and at my Tribunal, where the initial decision was overturned]. My advocate was amazing and their knowledge of the tribunal process made it accessible for me.
Following my PIP review I have awarded Enhanced Rate Mobility and Daily Care. That’s one worry of my mind. Thank you so much for your help it was really appreciated.
My Blue Badge has arrived – I have used it few times already with my daughter. It is very helpful, I can go out again and makes life so much easier. Thank you for all your help.
I didn’t start the project at the same time as most of the others and I wondered if I would find it too much. I needn’t have worried as the group were very welcoming and understanding and it was wonderful that materials were provided.
I am indebted to Active Independence, I can not thank you enough for what we had done for me; all the stress and anxiety of recent months has now been taken away. Thank you.
- client comment following support to get his PIP enhanced mobility and daily care reinstated before tribunal date and had his Motoability car eligibility reinstated.
I am delighted to say I have found an ideal PA – the second to reply to my ad
I am overwhelmed, I can not thank you enough, I would not have been able to get through this without my advocate. This PIP award is life changing. I can now pay for my funeral plan and get a car with Motability. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your support yesterday it was invaluable
Thank you for all your help completing my husband’s reassessment PIP form. He was previously on standard and now he has been awarded Enhanced Rate Daily Living and Mobility, without the need for a medical for 10 years. We are both over the moon, and can not thank you enough for all your support.
Thank you for all that you have done for me and my family in the past twelve months with regard to disability benefits, asbestosis claims etc.. It has been very much appreciated. I couldn’t and wouldn’t have done it without you, thank you..
Thank you SO MUCH Barbara for your support and clarity just now. Although still more steps to take I feel I am not so alone anymore in this carer/journey that was beginning to break my sense of well-being and sanity… May you help many others!
I hope you guys realise how valuable you are to people like me – always been there when I needed you even if it’s just to have a moan, – you throw away the rule book to help us – thank you so much
Blue Badge came in useful when went away for weekend and thank you so much for your support. I would never have applied for Attendance Allowance without your help. It was a real pleasure meeting you.
We can’t thank you enough for your kindness and for the job you do
We really enjoy the sessions. We have learned new skills quilting and myself learning knitting techniques. We really enjoyed the get together with such lovely groups of ladies of all different ages so friendly and chatty besides our cups of teas and coffee plus occasional cakes. Looking forward to next meet up.
I feel a lot happier. I enjoy the company. It gives me something to look forward to and I can get out the house and have a laugh.
Thanks I feel linking people together in the way you have done is a great idea. This work can be isolating sometimes 🙂
I am over the moon, thank you for your help. My DLA and pension credit payments have been increased – I am £155 better off a week…. thats £8,000 a year!
Nice to speak to someone who is a human and will listen, instead of a bureaucratic who isn’t really interested
Wow …. that was a amazing fun time.
Thank you so much for your help. Knowing we have support as PA’s is wonderful I really cannot thank you enough
I thoroughly enjoyed it, it rekindled my love of knitting. I’ll be sure to make sure as many people as possible are aware of the group. I think it’s a lovely way to have fun, make friend, learn something new but also give something back – Rotherham Community Officer attending March’s Art of Wellbeing: Quilting and Knitting
I have been awarded enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility with a review in October 2031. I was really surprised. Thank you again, it will certainly make a difference to helping me with my independence.
Thank you for all your help with PIP (mandatory reconsideration) – I have know been awarded Enhanced Daily Living and Standard Mobility. i]It has made a huge difference especially the £5,000 backdated payment. I have already brought myself a new fridge freezer!
Thanks for sending John to help me with the form filling in. John is a very helpful and understanding person and should be praised for the work he is doing. Cheers
I am overwhelmed … Thanks to the support you have given me with my Attendance Allowance Claim and Pension Credit I am now £13,000 a year better off. I can’t thank me enough.
Thank you for adding me to your mailing list – it looks like you have a lot of great information.
I am so happy I have been awarded PIP Standard Rate Daily Living and PIP Enhanced Rate Mobility- this is now on ongoing award. Plus you have helped me get my Blue Badge. Thank you for all the help – I would not have got it without your support.
I’ve been awarded standard rate for personal care and for mobility until 2027. I’m so relieved and feel so much better knowing it has been sorted. I am very grateful to you for all your help.
Updates very much appreciated – without this I wouldn’t have a clue what’s going on x awaiting news of second vaccine too x
Thank you – You helped me when I was looking for help with my mum . I still read your updates on Facebook
You are so valued by all in all your knowledge of services in and around Doncaster, advice and telephone numbers that are so needed to support service users and PA’s are essential, you are a listening ear for emotional support to us all, thank God your around xx
Yes your service is definitely needed. Its very hard to find PAs at an affordable rate. My life has been loads better since you helped find mine
Many thanks for your help-it has been invaluable. You were able to assist with a quote for Access to work, ensure I received my Covid vaccination and also provide a contact for PPE. I also carry a letter (based on your template) and id badge explaining that I am a key worker, have read your guidance on the use and safe disposal or PPE.
My advocate was brilliant yesterday, helping me to complete my PIP application form.
Just wanted to thank you for your help in getting our PA an ID badge. It has arrived during the Christmas holidays. Your help has been very much appreciated.
Originally my daughter was only received a score of 2 points on her PIP application and thus we not awarded any support. We made the appeal with the help from Active Independence. Following the Appeal Hearing, we were re-scored of 27 and award Enhanced Rate Mobility and Daily Living and it is not time limited.
We are delighted with this outcome and with the support and guidance given to us by our advocate.
The biggest areas of help for us was when she explained the hearing process to my daughter, and guiding me on the structure of the submission – I have been involved in formal Court and Tribunal submissions and Appeals elsewhere and they tend to be substantial documents and very ‘robust’ in their criticism of Assessors / other parties.
Our Advocate came to see us a couple of times at home and we had numerous phone conversations and she suggested a suitable format and tone of approach to take. Without her help both we would have found the Hearing much more stressful as we would not have known if the submission was suitable and what to expect. So one again we are delighted with the help Active Independence gave us.
We're active.
Our Aspirations
- To provide information, advice, advocacy, training and support to enable Disabled people to have choice and control, and to live independent lives.
- To raise aspirations and confidence among Disabled people, families and carers to facilitate choice, control and independent living.
- To campaign for the right for Disabled people to have choice and control, in order to live independently and with dignity.
Our Objectives
- To help and support and learn from each other.
- To be a 100% Disabled persons-led organisation.
- To offer advice to those who receive funds to employ Personal Assistants to meet their support and/or care needs.
- To work with service providers from all sectors to ensure the experiences of Disabled people inform the development of relevant policies, procedures and services.
- To promote the benefits of personal budgets and self directed support in giving Disabled people greater control over their lives.
Registered charity number 1148975. Limited company number 07942039. Registered address: 67 High Street, Bentley, Doncaster DN5 0AA
Copyright © 2016 Active Independence. All rights reserved.