Carers Trust Survey

Carers Trust want to understand unpaid carers’ experiences of support. They will use the findings of the survey to raise the voices of unpaid carers as publicly as possible and influence the Government to make positive changes.
Taking the survey is easy and should take 15-20 minutes to complete.
Answering the survey will mean unpaid carers have a chance to win a £45 Love2Shop voucher – all they need to do is provide their email address at the end of the survey so we can enter them into the competition.!&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Carers%20Trust&dm_i=I34%2C8AFL0%2C76Z4NE%2CY31LV%2C1&fbclid=IwAR2B8v6cCkq1EddLhBXtSBb5eO12jEJxDZTFfkkRn7WRgMP88HhnuCqAQhs