Webinars for PA Employers

Skills for Care have developed a series of webinars in a range of topics to support individual employers, personal assistants and organisations supporting them during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

The webinars were delivered live to a small number of participants and recorded for further viewing which you can watch below.

Click on the links below … they have the following webinars available:

⇨ Wellbeing for individual employers and those supporting them 

It’s never been more important to recognise your own emotional and support needs and how to maintain your own wellbeing in these difficult times. This webinar will share experiences from individual employers, include practical support and places where you can find help. It is aimed at individual employers and personal assistants but may also be of interest to local organisations who provide support to people employing PAs (user-led organisations, direct payment support, local authorities, and CCGs).

⇨ Learning and development webinar for individual employers and PAs

This webinar highlights the benefits of learning and development, how to access funded training via local organisations, as well as how to ask for a grant to pay for training and qualifications (individual employer funding).

⇨ Recruiting personal assistants during a pandemic

Highlighting practical steps you can take as an employer to attract and recruit workers during COVID-19. Sharing local examples and innovative ways people have attracted personal assistants (PAs) in these challenging times, as well as sharing current best practice, tools and resources that can help you recruit and retain good quality PAs.