Useful Information

We have made our template PA Employment Handbook available to download . It contains the essential documentation you need to be a safe and responsible employer.

It is a Word document to enable you to fill in your own details and that of your Personal Assistants. Please feel free to download and distribute as you wish, and if you have any feedback, get in touch and let us know.

If you are using a mobile to access this document, you will need to download a Free Word App to view it. You can also access pdf version in our library

Useful Websites

Skills For Care

This organisation is the national body for skills development for the Care Sector. It has lots of very useful information and advice in their Individual employer  and Personal Assistant Hubs

Covid-19: Personal Assistants

Find information and guidance for people working as personal assistants directly employed by the person they are supporting.

Using Direct Payment During Covid-19

Full Government guidance for people receiving direct payments and personal assistants

Think Local, Act Personal 

For resources, guidance and the latest developments and policy plans

Applying for Blue Badge

Guidance on applying for a blue badge

Access to Work Factsheet

Factsheet about Access to Work and how it can help overcome barriers to starting or keeping a job if you have a disability or long term health condition

How to Comply with the Law on Workplace Pensions

The Essential Guide to Automatic Enrolment

Popular Q&As for Employing Carers

A list of popular questions and answers on Automatic Enrolment