ILF consultation launched

Maria Millar has now announced consultation on the independent living fund. It will run from July to 10th October. Many of you will know all new ILF claims have been suspended but those currently receiving ILF will do so until 2015.

Please take the time to takepart in the consultation ,  this is an essential fund for many disabled people  in enabling them to lead an independent life  and comes without many of the  restrictions and bureaucracy  that local authorities  place on  personal budgets .  Is handing it over  to local authorities the right thing to do??

The Government’s proposal is to close the ILF and for local authorities to take on the funding and responsibility for ILF users’ care and support. The Government wants to hear your views on:

  • Whether you agree with their proposal
  • What the impact of these changes would be
  • How these changes could be made in a way that creates the least uncertainty and disruption for ILF users and more widely, has the least impact on the adult care system
  • How you would like the ILF to work with you and local authorities between now and 2015

You will find full details of the consultation, including the consultation document, on the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) website:

How to respond

The best way to respond to the consultation is through the online consultation tool as this will ensure that your contribution is received and recorded straight away.You can find the online tool on the DWP

Alternatively, you can email your response to the consultation to: